
Post with Bright Text

This is a post that shows the whiter text.  The one with a picture showing has darker text and I don't know why.

This is a post that shows the whiter text.  The one with a picture showing has darker text and I don't know why.This is a post that shows the whiter text.  The one with a picture showing has darker text and I don't know why.This is a post that shows the whiter text.  The one with a picture showing has darker text and I don't know why.


It's been a busy day or two.

The ATLAS found out that we were de-listed from the fansite list.  This came as quite a surprise to us as we are the largest and most popular fansite.

We posted a strongly worded thread about this in the forums and we were banned.   Fine.  We are okay with the ban, but we are not okay with the de-listing.  Ironically, it was not our error that started this chain of events leading to our ban.

GlobaltechATLAS.info will be offline in the interim.  We cannot support a game that that doesn't support a fansite. 

Want the ATLAS back?  It's easy.  FE just needs to relist us on the fansite list (that would be the fansite list that the ATLAS actively campaigned for and probably wouldn't have happened without us).  We don't care about being banned, but we do care about the de-listing.

Tell Fallen Earth you want the ATLAS back by sending them a message.  It only will take about 15 seconds to help the ATLAS.